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The mission of Domus Pacis is to offer individuals, who are on a challenging medical journey, an environment that encourages interaction with other family members and caregivers in a comfortable and peaceful surrounding.



Our vision is to support loving relationships, energized to endure battles, celebrate victories, and find peace with loss.



Respect – treat each family as unique and deserving of our attention.


Dignity – to be aware that every family deserves to be honored.


Empathy– to act with kindness and concern for everyone.


Trust – to build a safe and comfortable respite environment.


Community – to welcome all individuals to participate in our mission.


Integrity – to be honest, consistent, and transparent.


Nature – to harness the healing potential of the mountains.


Authentic – to be genuine, sincere and true family advocates.

Founder - Marylouise "Duck" White-Petteruti 
The unique and innovative program that is the heart and soul of Domus Pacis was the loving creation of Duck White-Petteruti. The genesis for the respite program was a “girl trip to the mountains” that Duck planned and put into place with her ailing mother who was living with lung cancer. The week was transformative, and the experience inspired the creation of Domus Pacis. Since then, Domus Pacis has served more than 1,700 families, providing thousands with the opportunity to have their own healing week in the mountains.

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